Errors and corrections gratefully receivedCommon Name: Bavarian Gentian - white
Family: Gentian - Gentianaceae
Genus: Gentiana
Species: bavarica
Date Taken: 09/07/2010
Altitude: 2665m
Area: Valais
Walking Notes: Zermatt, Edelweiss, Trift Hotel, Henerchnubel, Trift, Edelweiss
Location: Taken by the Höhbalmen-Hubel junction
Flower Notes: 1600-3000m, flowering time 7-8. Not common. "The pictures show a white form of a Gentiana. Is is not possible to say which species it is exactly is, but either a compact variant of Gentiana bavarica (var. subacaulis) or a variant out of the variable species of Gentiana verna. White flowers occasionally occur within all Gentiana species."Michael Jutzi Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques; Case postale 60; 1292 Chambésy / Genève