Errors and corrections gratefully receivedCommon Name: Brides' Feathers
Family: Rose - Rosaceae
Genus: Aruncus
Species: dioicus
Date Taken: 02/07/2013
Altitude: 1100m
Area: Italian Pennine Alps
Walking Notes: A short walk by the Albergo Lago Pineta at Antronalago
Location: Taken by Lago di Antrona
Flower Notes: Not in OAF; Also known as Buck's Beard 1-2m tall; leaves very large, 2-3-fold pinnate, ovate-pointed, double-toothed, hairy underneath when young, without stipules; inflorescence up to 50cm long, flowers very small, in thousands in paniculate spikes, dioecious, petals of the male flowers pure white, those of the female smaller, yellowish-white. Forests and gorges. Seen at 1100m, flowering time 6-7. Rather common.