Cobweb House-leek
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Common Name: Cobweb House-leek
Family: Stonecrop - Crassulaceae
Genus: Sempervivum
Species: arachnoideum
Date Taken: 01/07/2005
Altitude: 2170m
Area: Valais
Walking Notes: Zermatt, Schwarzsee, Stafelalp, Kalbermatten, Zmutt, Zermatt.
Location: Taken between Stafelalp and Kalbermatten
Flower Notes: 5-15cm tall; rosette leaves lanceolate, with glands on margins; leaf tips covered by cobwebby hairs; petals 6-12, 4-8mm long, carmine-red. Boulders, stone walls; dry substrate poor in calcium. 1000-2600m, flowering time 6-8. Rather common (occurs mostly in inner Alpine ranges).