Errors and corrections gratefully receivedCommon Name: Haller's Pasqueflower
Family: Buttercup - Ranunculaceae
Genus: Pulsatilla
Species: halleri
Date Taken: 29/06/2005
Altitude: 2060m
Area: Valais
Walking Notes: From Täsch to Ottavan then the Europaweg stopping short of the Europa Hut at the Grosse Graben, descent to Randa
Location: Taken on the Europaweg 30 min. from Ottavan heading for the Europa Hut
Flower Notes: 10-30cm tall; leaf segments mostly 2-5cm broad; corolla-like tepals light-violet 2-3cm long. 1300-2400m, flowering time 5-7. Very rare, in Switzerland occurs only in the Mattertal.