Errors and corrections gratefully receivedCommon Name:
Scheuchzer's Bellflower
Family: Bellflower - Campanulaceae
Genus: Campanula
Species: scheuchzeri
Date Taken: 01/09/2013
Altitude: 2705m
Area: Savognin-Bivio-Parc Ela
Walking Notes: From Bivio along Septimer Pass track as far as Cadval then directly to summit of Roccabella; descent by same route
Location: Taken just below the summit of Roccabella
Flower Notes: Similar to C. rotundifolia but mostly without
sterile leaf rosettes, stems one to few flowered (multi-flowered in C.
rotundifolia ) also the lowest stem leaves without stalk, stem leaves
at least ciliate at the base. Crown 1.5-2.5 (-3.5) cm long, nodding
flower buds